Red Door Studios

Live streaming

live streaming

Wedding live streaming

Live Streaming your wedding is the perfect way to share your wedding day with people who can’t be there because it allows them an opportunity at seeing what’s going on. By broadcasting critical events from your and guests’ perspectives, you’ll have a chance for everyone to attend this special event! Live Streaming also creates a connection between all involved parties – no matter how far apart they may seem beforehand

by Annie Barrington

Posting your wedding to Facebook or YouTube can cause music copyright issues. These platforms can quickly stop your stream if their algorithms pick up popular music-tracks. And, of course, these are not private.For this reason, I use a platform called CASTR to host the stream .

To view the stream I create a dedicated page on my website which is private and only people with the link can actually see the stream. This page can be customised to suit your needs. It will contain all the information about the stream. When the stream will start and a comments section.

How many cameras do I need?

How many cameras you need really depends on the location and space available. I always recommend 2 cameras as the minimum. That way your viewers will have an uninterrupted stream without seeing any cameras being moved or re-positioned. Sometimes you’re only in a small venue and one camera is all you need.

Which Platform to stream your wedding?


How does live streaming a wedding work?
Red Door Studios will send a professional videographer to set up cameras, microphones, and streaming equipment at your venue This will be set at least 2 hours before the event starts. The feed is then transmitted via the interweb
Do you provide a private or public stream?
We only provided a Private Stream: which is a invite-only link for select guests
What happens if the internet connection is weak?
To ensure a smooth experience: We will tell if the live stream is viable at your venue Even before you book with us. We bring backup solutions, such as portable hotspots, to minimize disruptions. And in case there are unforeseen issues we record the stream as a backup.
What happens if the stream does not work
If this does happen we grantee to have the stream uploaded to our website the same day of the wedding so you viewers can still enjoy the stream the same day you are married
Can we customise our live stream hosting page?
YES... Use custom backgrounds or overlays to match your wedding theme and you can Include pre-recorded videos or messages
Do guests need special software to watch the live stream?
NO... all they need is there web browser of choice, Chrome,Firefox etc

This is a one camera live stream

This is a two camera live stream

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